8 September 2020

Travelling again? Do you need to revise your Lark Music Practising Only policy?

By Lark Music
Instrument in open suitcase case
In response to Coronavirus travel restrictions Lark Music introduced a Practising Only policy to reduce the cost of cover for musicians who found themselves without the need to travel.

Now, as we start to venture out again, musicians who took advantage of the Practising only policy are reminded by Lark Music manager Fay Watts to revise their cover if they are now starting back to work or leaving home with their treasured instrument.

Ms Watts said: “Many musicians found their work dried up and they stopped working and travelling. We are now pleased to hear they are beginning to get back to work and, in turn, we want ensure clients continue to have the correct cover to play outside the home again.”

To travel with your instrument whilst only insured on a Practising only policy would leave you exposed in the event anything happened to your instrument outside your home. Under-insurance can be a catalyst for unexpected costs, and so it is essential that you have the right cover in place for your activities.

Lark Music client, Virtuoso violinist Tasmin Little says she has found Lark Music’s flexible cover ‘has been hugely helpful’ during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Ms Little said: “Lark Music really understand the needs of musicians and their recent flexibility regarding the adjustment of insurance during Covid-19 has been hugely helpful, as well as realistic.

“It has been hard for performing musicians to be without both concerts and income, and extra costs such as insurance can exacerbate an already financially stressful time.

“When I contacted Lark to ask about a reduction to take into account the lack of travel and work, they immediately reduced my insurance and saved me worry and extra financial burden. Thank you, Lark!”

Ms Watts added:

“We understand that for many people their instrument is their livelihood so we want to ensure they are protected and have the flexibility to revise their policy at any time.”

While you’re making amends to your Practising Only policy, it’s also a good idea to check you have the correct value of your instrument on your insurance policy. If you haven’t had it valued in the last two to four years, then you may be underinsured.

A person wearing glasses and a black blazer is smiling while working on a laptop at a desk.

Make sure you have the right level of musical instrument insurance cover

If you would like to make sure you are on the correct policy and your instrument is correctly protected, please get in touch with our team who will be more than happy to help. Get in touch using the button below or call 020 3846 5271.