Schedule of Fees and Charges

Initial Fee Renewal Fee Policy Alternations / Cancellation Fee
Motor Up to a max of €250 Up to a max of €250 Up to a max of €100
Household Up to a max of €250 Up to a max of €250 Up to a max of €100
Commercial Up to a max of 25% of premium Up to a max of 25% of premium Up to a max of 25% of premium


Life, Pensions and Investments  a) Time spent and disbursement basis with an applicable hourly rate of €250 for advisory consultants and €100 for administration and compliance support or b) A percentage of the transaction value, the precise rate will be outlined to you in advance of execution of the transaction.

We reserve the right to amend these fees should the complexity of the product require a higher fee. We will confirm and agree this fee with you prior to any increased charge being applied. All such fees and charges are non-refundable in the event of policy alternation and/or cancellation.

Any bank fees charged on unpaid cheques will be charged back to the client and are payable in full together with any other outstanding balance. An administration fee of up to 10% may be charged on premium finance arrangements.

Fees of up to €20 may also be applied for duplicate documentation; both for existing and past clients, for advice provided, mortgages, life and pension policies arranged. In all circumstances, fees will be declared to the client in writing. Any third-party fees or charges that apply in connection with your policy will be included in the premium charged.

Director €350 per hour
Consultant/Account Executive €250 per hour
 Qualified Financial Advisor €250 per hour
 Administration €100